I appreciate this kind summary supplied to many of our outstanding pastors throughout the country done by my dear brother and fellow pastor, Larry Lily.
Here is the latest site on the sentencing in the Cate’s murder. The murdered woman was Dr. Paul Cates daughter in law.
Be warned this is gruesome beyond mere words. The accused was sentenced to life without parole plus 79 years.
Paul is a dear brother who himself has suffered much, but goes on with the Lord working mightily in his heart.
God bless,
Brother Lilly
These are hard times and I appreciate all the prayers, letters, cards, e-mails that everyone has sent in this very hard time.
The family is doing well, considering the circumstances. Please continue your prayers for us and especially David and Jaimie as the second trial will begin in February 2011.
God bless.
Dr. Paul Cates