Dear Dr. Cates,
I wish to thank you again for taking the time to speak to our humble group of home schooling parents this evening. For me personally, you were a blessing and an answer to prayer. I have felt a leading from the Lord for some time now that our home school needed to be “under” a reputable person or organization. After looking into what is available in our area, I had tentatively selected a Charlotte Mason-styled home school assistance program as the best fit for our family.
That was until I heard you speak tonight. Your presentation specifically answered questions that I had directed to God. You spoke the very heart and mind of why we have chosen to home school our children. Your presentation of FCM’s program and philosophies were a tongue and groove answer to our concerns about the direction that our home school program was headed and where we wanted it to go. This is why, though I will admit to being a bit shell shocked at how the Lord had answered my prayers, I did not hesitate to write you the deposit for my three children to be evaluated by you or your staff. To be honest, I had no intention of attending your presentation tonight. But the Lord knew our needs and knew your program would fill them, satisfying our desires to provide our children a quality education that will give them the ability to go in any direction the Lord leads them in their adult lives.
Thank you, Dr. Cates and FCM, for your ministry to home schooling families. You are greatly appreciated and we eagerly look forward to seeing you in July.
Cathy Cox