In Homeschooling—In Relationship—To Government
Principle 1:
Licensing: The state wants to give us permission to have a home school. The state cannot give us permission to have a Christian home school. Only God can do that. Proverbs 22:6
Principle 2:
Render to Caesar only what belongs to Caesar. Our children are not Caesar’s and do not belong to Caesar.
Principle 3:
The state can have only what parents give to them. The Constitution preserves the rest to the parents. Parents are not to protect the rights of the state. The state was formed to protect parents’ rights and guarantee them.
Principle 4:
Parents do not want, nor should they accept state aid. That includes receiving “free tax credits”! There is no such thing as a “free” lunch. What the state gives the state controls. We will not sacrifice our birthright of freedom for a mess of governmental porridge.
Principle 5:
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” II Corinthians 6:14, 17. The same people who teach sex education, evolution, and place unacceptable materials in the public classrooms want to “help” you or “join”you in the teaching of “your” children.
Principle 6:
The state and federal governments want to become an educational monopoly. They are setting upon a course, Education 2000, which will destroy the quality education of our Christian home schooling parents. Monopolies destroy quality!
Principle 7:
The free enterprise system dictates that we must preserve the Christian home schooling as an entity separate and diametrically opposed to the state and federal monopoly. We have a product from God and cannot be controlled by humanistic competitors. The free enterprise system is the result of a traditional, Biblically-based philosophy of education.
Principle 8:
People should not be paying for the “inferior” product produced by humanistic, secular education. We have been forced to do so by doing nothing and by an autocratic government bogged down by an irresponsible bureaucracy. Sixty percent of Americans say they would choose an alternate to public education if they could afford to. They should be able to have that choice.
Principle 9:
A home schooler that is forced to be licensed by the state and is controlled and directed by the state is no longer a private citizen, but a puppet and subject of that state. That person has moved from a “republic” to a “socialistic” form of representation.
Principle 10:
There are no “public” schools any longer. State schools are now dominated by unelected, faceless, nameless individuals who are not accountable to anyone. Funded and sponsored by the federal government. Funded with “your” money wrestled from you by unelected, faceless, nameless individuals from the federal and state bureaucracies. Your money is spent by these individuals who are not accountable to anyone.
Principle 11:
Christian home schooling offers a safety valve to parents who are terribly frustrated by the above bureaucracy and who want to follow the Biblical mandate in the training up of their own children. Deuteronomy 6.
Principle 12:
Our religious freedom comes from God — not from government. It is not only a right, it is a responsibility to train up our children in the way God wants them to go — His way. Deuteronomy 6: 1-25. Proverbs 22:6. State education boards across all of America are at enmity with this principle.The state of Ohio has a code which reads as follows:
The natural rights of a parent to custody and control of their children are subordinate to the power of the state to provide for the education of children. Laws providing for the education of children are for the protection of the state itself.”