1. Don’t be too anxious about test scores. If you put too much emphasis on test scores, this can upset your child.
2. Encourage your child. Praise her for the things she does well. If kids feel good about themselves, they will do their best. Children who are afraid of failing are more likely to become anxious when taking tests and more likely to make mistakes.
3. Don’t judge a child by a single test score. A single test is not a perfect measure of what a child can do. There are many factors that might influence a test score. For example, a child can be affected by the way he is feeling, the classroom setting, and the attitude of the teacher. Remember, also, that one test is simply one test.
4. Meet with your child’s teacher to discuss her progress. Ask the teacher to suggest activities for you and your child to do at home to help prepare for tests and improve your child’s understanding of schoolwork. Parents and teachers should work together to benefit students.
5. Make sure your child attends school regularly. Remember, tests do reflect children’s overall achievement. The more effort and energy a child puts into learning, the more likely she will do well on tests….
For our Full Article and how to develop better testing for your child, contact us today at 828-435-0670 or email us at pcates@att.net